A New Look at Inclusion
Imagine noticing a child is struggling to use simple everyday tools like a can opener or scissors and concluding that they are deficient...

Racism from a Neuroscience Perspective
Perhaps one of the most difficult change areas is the inclusion and racism domain. From a Neuroscience perspective, this change is...

"Executive functioning"
The Neuroscience term "Executive functioning" is now widely used. These are important functions of the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) which...

Compassion and change
We really should do a group discussion about compassion from a Neuroscience perspective one of these days... I say this because, the...

Smell, emotions, and transformation
What is a scent historian and what does it have to do with neuroscience and difficult change? Imagine that you are looking at a picture...

The Neuroscience of Emotions
The Neuroscience study of emotions raises complex questions: What are emotions? How are they formed? Are there specific emotional...

The Power of re-Writing the Stories We Tell Ourselves
Right after I gave birth for the first time, I was flooded with fears. The fatigue combined with a history of being around highly...

The Neuroscience of Storytelling - Great article
The Neuroscience of sharing stories, examples, and even case studies (when done the right way) is important in the context of difficult...

The Body and How Our Brain Works
A little while back, Christina Rundcrantz shared this video with me in the context of a different article and I feel it is brilliant and...

How Do We Create Memories?
Memory is a big term...when it comes to change acquisition (adoption, implementation etc.), very specific types of "memory" related to...